If you have been injured or suffered an illness, and are considering making a legal claim for compensation in Queensland, choosing a compensation lawyer can seem like a daunting decision.
You may have had friends with bad experiences with their lawyer. You might be concerned that you will not get the compensation you are entitled to receive. At Lyons Compensation Lawyers we know how important it is that you find the right lawyer to represent YOU.
An experienced, understanding, personal injury lawyer who respects your experience, your time and who listens to YOU can make the claim process a lot less stressful.
Here are 10 questions we recommend you ask any compensation lawyer in Queensland before deciding who will represent you in your claim.
It doesn’t cost you anything to know where you stand
It doesn’t cost you anything to know where you stand
There is nothing that can make up for a lack of experience in negotiation and case preparation. At Lyons Compensation Lawyers, Mr Joe Lyons handles your claim from start to finish. You will not be passed along to administrative or unqualified staff. Joe Lyons has exclusively represented injured persons during their personal injury claims for the last 20 years, and has been admitted as a solicitor in Queensland for 30 years.
He will manage your claim each step of the way and knows how to prepare your claim to obtain a settlement at the earliest possible time.
It doesn’t cost you anything to know where you stand
There are different types of compensation law such as car accident claims, workers compensation claims and general compensation claims (eg. public place accidents etc). In Queensland, each type of compensation claim involves different rules and processes and sometimes those rules clash or overlap.
Ensuring that your lawyer has years of experience navigating your type of claim is a good way to make the process smoother. At Lyons Compensation Lawyers we act for injured persons in these 3 main areas of compensation law.