Personal injury law is very complex. The legislation that governs personal injury claims gives genuinely injured people the right to seek compensation. The journey to that destination however can be very difficult to navigate. Therefore it is important to seek expert legal advice as soon as possible and ideally obtain that advice from an experienced lawyer, near you in Brisbane.
When dealing with a personal injury, it is not uncommon to face other challenges. Along with the physical injury, you may also experience psychological, financial, and emotional stresses. Though this may seem like too much to handle, Lyons Compensation Lawyers will make sure you are supported throughout the entire process.
Our whole-person approach to your claim guarantees you will be treated with respect, care, and consideration.
It doesn’t cost you anything to know where you stand
What is a Personal Injury?

A personal injury is any injury you have suffered to your person. If you have been involved in an accident that has caused you damage you may be able to claim compensation. It is not necessary for there to have been a third party physically involved.
The following list is an example of common personal injuries:
- Whiplash
- Strains, Sprains & Soft tissue injuries
- Broken bones
- Fractures
- Back injuries
- Paraplegia
- Quadriplegia
- Psychological conditions like PTSD, Depression or Anxiety
If your injury does not fall into one of these categories or you are unsure, do not be discouraged. Reach out to Lyons Compensation Lawyers for a no-cost consultation. By listening to your story and considering the legal aspects, we will advise you on whether you have a claim to pursue.
What kind of accidents can cause a Personal Injury?
There are many different ways personal injuries can happen. The underlying rule for deciding if your injury falls into this category is if it was the result of someone else’s negligence. The laws that decide if negligence has occurred are very particular and at times difficult to understand. Therefore, engaging an experienced Personal Injury lawyer is an important first step in regaining control over your situation.
The following are common situations where a personal injury could happen.
- Slips and Falls in shopping centres
- Falls after tripping on uneven footpaths
- Accidents on play equipment
- Slips and falls in a public park
- Accidents or injuries at Daycare or School
- Injuries resulting from an assault by a security guard at a pub or club.
- Accidents at worksites involving Labour Hire employees
It doesn’t cost you anything to know where you stand
How long will my claim take?
Lyons Compensation Lawyers understands how difficult life can be after an injury. It is very common for your injury to affect more than just your physical wellbeing.
There are rules and time limits that apply to legal claims, and this can sometimes make it seem there is no end in sight.
A personal injury claim can take anywhere from six (6) months to two (2) years. Many different things affect how quickly your claim will be resolved.
The following are some reasons your claim may take longer to reach a resolution
It doesn’t cost you anything to know where you stand
- The seriousness of your injury
- Any delay in deciding the long term effects of your injury
- The willingness of the other party to resolve the matter
- Delays within the Court system
What should I do now?
We understand how quickly life can change and the impact a personal injury can have on you and your loved ones.
To maximise your chances of securing a suitable resolution we recommend the following:
- Try to remember as much information about your accident as you can and write it down
- Download and read the Personal Injury Self Help Kit here
- Contact Lyons Compensation Lawyers for a no-obligation, no-cost assessment